Me, On a Diet

I watched the show on the latest diet plan (while snacking on popcorn with a glass of wine). The “new diet” sounds remarkably like all the “old diets” only without the fad-element. Anyway you try to disguise it, it’s still eat right, exercise more. While watching, one of my problems became immediately evident. The diet “creators” (“reworders”? “remarketers”?) said that you had to go through your kitchen and eliminate anything with the “bad things” in the first five ingredients. They applied this method to four people they had selected and went through cabinets and the fridge and removed anything that might shockingly include “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil” or “enriched flour” etc. AND THEN THEY THREW IT AWAY. Or maybe they gave it away, (I’m not sure we’re concerned about the cholesterol counts of our homeless population), but either way, the food left the house. As I poured a second glass of wine, I contemplated this approach. Perhaps this is where I have gone wrong. I’ve always told myself that WHEN the bad food is consumed, I will simply not replace it, so that, in a matter of a few days, I will have rid my home of all bad foods and will be on track to eating “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil-FREE” foods. But that day never comes. When you run out of spaghetti sauce, you still have noodles, so you buy more sauce to use up the noodles, but then you have no noodles and too much sauce. Or you buy salsa to finish up all the chips. But then you run out of chips and you still have salsa.

I could actually be throwing this stuff away?! I had no idea.

All kidding aside, the one woman said something that has actually stuck with me for the last several days. She said, “I used to put food between me and my emotions. Now there is nothing there to serve as a buffer and I’m forced to confront my own feelings.” Wow. I think that’s me. I have always seemed to revel in that sort of “numbness” that comes from eating, the lethargy that takes over after a big meal has been a welcome friend. Those people who say, "Let's go for a walk and burn off some of the dinner!" I thought were crazy. "Let's sit on the couch, turn on the game and fall asleep!" always sounded more inviting to me.

I ordered the book. I ordered the pedometer. I make no promises, but I think I might actually go through my kitchen and box up the non-perishable, “enriched” foods.

If only I could give my negative emotions to the food bank, too. This, is not going to be easy.


Anonymous said…
You can do it, I know you can. When I went on a diet, a friend told me that the first thing I should do is give up sugar and sodas. Waaaahhhh!!! Sodas are my FAVORITE thing! But, I did, if for no other reason than to prove to him that it wouldn't help. Happy to say that I dropped a couple of pounds right away, and now love my water. I gained it right back at Halloween, though. *sigh* This is a bad time of year for me to think about cutting out sugar...
Jennifer said…
I'm with should wait...until after the holidays :) I can't tell you how badly I tried to eat right and exercise last year at this same time (hitting the gym two or three times a week), but it just didn't work. Not only did I not lose (or thankfully gain) any weight, but I about killed myself trying to get rid of at least 1 pound. The holidays are the 'diet killer' and if you don't play your cards right, come January, you'll be burned out on eating right and exercising, and the $29/month you pay for the gym will be a total waist of money. Err...well, ummm, just don't do what I did and go full force and burn out! :)

And, uh, good luck :)
Peter N said…
Maybe you SHOULD wait until after the holidays, while trying not to gain any weight until then. And a 15 minute brisk walk twice a day (or a single one, and I'm talking 4MPH or so) does wonders. I promise. I've maintained my morning (you weigh the least in the AM) weight of 173 for two years. I was up at 200 before that. Eating right helps so much...I was forced to with diabetes. I have to write a post...Ed Bradley just passed on...bye.
Amy said…
perhaps I should have used a different title, but I was trying to imply the book I had bought "You on a Diet". I'm not looking to DIET. I'm looking to change my life. And I have no reason to wait until after the holidays. I'm not going anywhere for the holidays. I don't eat more or less for the holidays. I just eat.

This is a life change, not a temporary fix and it's starting now.

I appreciate all the words of encouragement! I'll need them in the weeks, months and years to come!

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