
I could say a hundred things today but none of them seem to matter.

I miss LM. I miss him terribly. It has been a month and I have until the end of this one before I will lay eyes on him again. Today, it seems too much to ask of me to wait. I just want him home.

But for all the ways his experiences this summer has stretched his soul and touched his heart, I will leave him be.

Becoming a mom, and the process of childbirth was far easier and less painful than being a mom.


Shari said…
Oh, there is no doubt.

I totally understand....
Wendy said…
That surely is the truth.
Newlywife said…
You are the best mom ever! You are so so so good at it. And LM seems like proof of this observation.

Also, on a slightly more selfish note, please don't leave PA! I have this weird notion that one day we will meet in person and be fabulously wonderful friends.

Have I scared you yet?
SlushTurtle said…
I'm so sorry. I can't imagine being away from my Hatchling for that long... of course, it would nice to be away from him long enough to go to the bathroom alone for once. =)
Amy said…
You are all so kind to me. Thank you for all your reassurances. It is August, afterall, and he will be home in August, so perhaps that makes it a little better.

Newly, you can't scare me, girl!! I'd love to meet you!
Jules said…
Amy, I just sent my youngest baby off to Kindergarten this morning. Waaaahhhhhh!!!! I know it's not exactly the same thing, but still, waaaahhhhh!!!!
jenny said…
amen to that.

And you, letting him go, sound like a very good one.

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