Contented Creatures

It's hard to catch the cows napping.  Not because they don't, but because they are convinced we always have a treat and they come running to the fence just in case.  Today, the hottest day so far, I was able to sneak up and catch Delilah under the pines, enjoying the very spot The Mister specifically included in the pasture for days such as this.  The grass she and Samson were snoozing on was carefully planted by James last spring, after tilling, grading and even later raking away all the pine needles.  

Samson was there, too.  He was keeping his eye on me just in case the camera really was a sweet treat for the hot day.  

All we wanted was to create a pasture that was beautiful and practical, where our beautiful beasts could enjoy as much contentment as we do on Someday Farm.

Mission, accomplished!


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