Can I Just Say...

...that for as much as Flash l-o-v-e-s his new trumpet music from "Pirates of the Caribbean" that came complete with a full orchestra accompaniment disc which can only be played at top volume on the surround sound (sorry neighbors; Thanks, God, for the house!) Eli, my poor, howling puppy is not nearly so amused. Every evening I'm entertained by Flash's increasing abilities on his trumpet and Eli's ongoing antics.

Flash is uber-eager to get in the house and get the stereo cranked and his trumpet out and the dog just looks at me like, "Seriously, can't you make him stop?"

As for me, I love it all. It's great to hear Flash playing and working hard to get the notes and rhythyms he doesn't know and I get to watch the puppy lay his head back and howl...and howl....and howl. Even when he's hiding under the coffee table and he hits his head. (And maybe even more so then.)


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