
I have been attending the church TB introduced us to since August. Other than a couple Sundays when we visited other churches, and a couple when I was travelling to take or fetch Flash from OH, I have been there every Sunday.

Last week, in adult Sunday School class, I was one of the first to arrive and I sat and talked with D for awhile about his new job and their relocation efforts. Another regular attender arrived, with her baby in her arms and stopped in the middle of the room. She looked at me and then looked at D and promptly said, "D? Will you mind holding the baby for minute?" D, despite being a father, had that puzzled look on his face that said, "Me? You want ME to hold your baby?" Always eager for a little baby time, I jumped in and offered to hold her.

The woman turned to me and declared, "But I don't know you."

And then she held the baby out to D, who took her and sat for the few minutes the woman was gone entertaining the baby on his lap. He looked at me once with an apologetic look, but I waved it off like it was no big deal. I know mom's can be particular about who holds their baby and all even if I was sitting in a Sunday School classroom.

A few more people had joined the class by the time the woman returned, only a few short minutes later. She thanked D for holding her and sat down across the room where she usually sits. It was then that she addressed me. "I'm J," she said.

I've known this since one of the first days I attended that church. I had been introduced to her then and had spoken with her briefly. I had even been present during a couple conversations TB had had with this woman. And, if that had not been enough, I have been in this particular class for most of the past few months. so I said, "I know" in the most polite way I could under these circumstances. And then I added, "I'm Amy" with a knowing nudge to try to suggest everyone else in the room already knows that I wasn't sure why she didn't.

To which she replied, "Give me a couple of weeks and I'll know you much better!"

I had to stifle a chuckle as I noticed D's wife looking at J with a puzzled look. It's not even that I sit in class silently pressed up against a wall unnoticeable. I participate. I ask questions. I talk wtih people around me. I wanted to somehow explain, but I just left it alone and we moved on. I wasn't going to make a fuss over it.

But this morning I did get a little follow-up chuckle when J approached the nursery window to hand over one of her small children. Imagine her surprise when she realized I was the one in charge of the nursery today!

I promise you, I didn't say a word. The look on her face said it all.


Jennifer said…
Can you blame it on baby-brains? How old was the "baby"? Ha!!
BabelBabe said…
sometimes I think I am the world's most forgettable face...sometimes I think people are just clueless.

reassuring to know it's not just me : )

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