Dear God

Thank you for Mr. Clean Magic Erasers.


(I'll write more when I get my head above water. House is on market. 1st Showing is tomorrow. Have an interview coming up. There will be a whirwind tour of Michigan in my near future. While I'm away amongst yourselves. Need a topic? How about placing your bets on when Newly will deliver?!?)


Mig said…
I miss you Amy. Come back soon K?
Crossing my fingers that all those ducks line up and you get your big wish!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE those magic eraser jobbies. They clean anything!

Watch out, though... they'll take the paint off too if you rub too hard :)
Anonymous said…
Sending you every good vibe I've got!
SHHHHH! You guys! Be QUIET! She's BUSY!!!
jenny said…
I totally miss you too. Mr. Clean is, seriously, THE best.

Except for when it stripped the paint off my son's toy box...I think that's sort of how it works. But YOU ARE MOVING! So, who cares!!! :)
SlushTurtle said…
I remember mocking those dang erasers the first time I saw a commercial for one. And then Hatchling learned to color. With red painted plastic toys. On white doors.

Long live Mr Clean!
Katrina said…
I want one! All the cool kids have one!

(And I'm going to guess August 22 for Newly's Big Event!)
~**Dawn**~ said…
I remember the first time I experienced the wonder of Magic Eraser. I stared at it in amazement & wondered how I ever cleaned without it.

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