8 Days Left

Today I:
- worked 8 hours at my former job (they pay well!!)
- sent registration materials to LM's new school and talked with the guidance counselor about what classes he'd be interested in. He's going to a magnet school, so he'll get to take Computer Programming, advanced Math and Science, Band and Video Production (amongst English, Social Studies and the like!)
- Rented a moving truck (and a dolly!)
- Ate cornbread with some of Stacy's wild raspberry jam! YUM!!

And now? I'm watching the Patriots. I know, you thought I'd pack a box or two, wouldn't ya? I'll do that tomorrow. I'm efficient that way!


~**Dawn**~ said…
Yay Patriots! I have them muted on the tv & the Sox on the computer. Everybody's winning. Happy Friday. =)
Mig said…

Well at least we all know where your priorities are.

Am I going to have to come down there and help? Because procrastination is running rampant at Amy's house right now.

SlushTurtle said…
It sounds like LM's new school will be right up his alley!

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