Rants and Raves

I just stepped out of the bath, wrapped in my robe, hair up in a towel and my skin still radiating heat. I still need to ‘quip out my ears, comb out my hair and brush my teeth. My heart is still racing, my mind hasn’t calmed. Too many contradictions are dancing around, the kind that bring wrinkles, stress and the thirst for chocolate flavored alcohol (why isn’t there more of that?)

I won’t use the H word (hate), it’s rather strong, but here are things I strongly dislike. I’m not asking you to agree. Heck, I don’t ask you to even read! Anyone who wants to comment on the strongly methodical, analytical side of me that prefers life as-a-list can simply add their name to the bottom:
1. People throwing cigarettes out car windows.
2. People who brake approaching a green light.
3. People who throw a cigarette out their car window while braking at a green light.
4. Punting on fourth and inches.
5. That I lack the necessary confidence to believe that sentiments expressed to me from men are only expressed to me and not to many other women as well.
6. That I drive a sedan. A “Mom Car”.
7. Parents that walk ten steps ahead of their children.
8. Parents that threaten to leave their child right there because they aren’t behaving.
9. Parents that count, bribe, threaten, plead and pamper their tantrum-throwing children.
10. Parents that think there is no alternative to bribing, threatening, counting, pleading and eventually just giving in to their children.
11. Job hunting
12. That in an effort to get healthier by drinking more water, I simply spend a third of my day in the bathroom.
13. When the Patriots lose and the Eagles win. (To understand better, consider that I’m a Patriots fan that lives near Philly. Philly fans booed Santa. They are the first to say “nanananananana”)
14. That I’m not naturally athletic.
15. Monday mornings.
16. Rap music
17. Changing the cat box
18. Putting slip covers back on the couches.
19. Getting paid and being broke all on the same day
20. Dieting.

Because I’m a generally happy girl, and because I prefer to focus on the good things, not the bad, I’d also like to include the things I love:
1. Grey in a man’s goatee (ahhh, sigh)
2. Sleeping in
3. Eating a dinner I didn’t cook
4. Love letters
5. Tulips
6. Seeing people hug their children in public.
7. Opening a bottle of wine
8. Finishing a good book
9. Receiving drunk calls at 3am
10. Black and white photos
11. Scrapbooking
12. Playing poker
13. Infatuation
14. A triple-header of my three favorite college football teams on Saturday
15. Spontaneous road trips
16. Kisses on the back of my neck
17. My son’s laugh
18. Cooking a huge pot of chili, a loaf of homemade oatmeal bread and a block of cheddar cheese for dinner on a cold winter night.
19. Sexy teeth. (I can’t explain it, but some men just have the sexiest teeth. Shoulders are a close second).
20. Having solid plans for the weekend established on Tuesday
21. Songs that lyrically, musically and rhythmically touch your soul.
22. Daydreaming
23. The smell of hiking through the woods in autumn.
24. Holding hands
25. People who aren’t afraid to apologize, nor too stubborn to accept mine.

I feel a bit better. Thanks for letting me both rant and to rave.

Sidenote: For those who have read previous posts, my brother is watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition again tonight and refuses to talk to me while he does. (He’s kidding).


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