The Garden

We moved the asparagus patch to the fenced in garden.
 It took off right away!
We have another raised bed ready to plant more asparagus next year. 

Our bean plants produced like crazy this year!  
We have bags and bags in the freezer already!

The cucumbers were perhaps the most prolific, (second only, of course to cherry tomatoes).
We had HUGE long cucumbers, meant for a family much larger than ours,
as well as delicious little pickles!
Even the strawberry plants that we moved (and lets NEVER do that again!) are thriving!
They are blooming and getting a few berries even in August!

Of course, tomatoes.  WAY too many tomatoes!
I might have gotten a little carried away in planting this year!
We have canned stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce,frozen roasted cherry tomatoes and even some tomato paste and we still have oodles!
This weekend, we are going to try canning salsa!

This is a panoramic view of the garden (so we remember what not to do next year!)  
We will certainly cut back on tomato plants next year, and we will move the sweet potatoes to someplace where they won't interfere with other plants!  
The Mister has also added more raised beds for me to move my herb garden and to get some rhubarb growing.  While I love having my herbs right outside my door, they aren't getting enough sun to produce much.  I look forward to next year and all the herbs we might have!

All in all, this has been the best garden we have ever grown.  The Mister put in so much work fencing it in, tilling, framing beds and even helping me build better supports for the tomato plants in the middle of the season.  I am so very grateful for all his work in making my little dream of a garden come true!  


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