
Many moons ago, I was new to a Homemaker's group at church, sharing a prayer request that my husband and I might be able to actually get some money in our savings account and stop having all these incidents keep creeping up when we least expect them. I explained that we had received some money unexpectedly as a gift and before I could get it tucked away for a rainy day, our car needed repairs. Another time, we had received a bigger tax refund than we had expected, but then had more unexpected costs and the money went right back out the door. It was Stacy who quietly pointed it out. As she prayed that day, she did not ask God to help us find ways to save money. She thanked God for provided for our family each and every time, just before we had a need. She turned my perspective around and showed me all that I had to be grateful for. That God was providing for us before we ever knew we were going to need it. I have never forgotten that lesson, nor have I ever stopped thanking God for using Stacy as an angel in my life. Sometimes, to hear God speak, I need to listen to the voices around me.

Jen wrote a post today about being a Godsend. I loved that she saw it and called that moment by name. To realize that God uses all of us all the time in the lives of those around us. I truly believe that we are surrounded by angels, but they are people we see, and touch and interact with. (I'm certain there are other angels we don't see, too!)

Yesterday I was struggling with an idea that's been on my heart and mind for a long while now. I was about to take the first action step in the process, but was hesitant. I was worried about the unknown variables. I was concerned about the impact on LM being a negative one. I was anxious about my ability to be successful. But yesterday, out of the blue, someone new reached out to me. And in conversation found out I was considering this idea. She shared with me a personal experience in the matter, giving me exactly the encouragement I needed to at least explore the idea further. God knew I needed a push one way or another yesterday, and it came in the form of an email. If ever she wonders why she emailed me yesterday, now she knows. She was a Godsend.


Newlywife said…
Sometimes it is easier to see what God sends to us, than those things God uses us to accomplish. I am sure that you are a Godsend in your own way to so many around you!
Sarah Louise said…
Sometimes it is hard to see God at work at all! But it is so humbling, so precious, to see how we can be Godsends or how much we didn't know we needed a particular Godsend.

Thanks for this reminder, Amy!! And good luck with whatever it is you're working on.
Jennifer said…
So many times, you've been my Godsend :)
Mig said…
Have you read,

The Five People You Meet In Heaven?
by Mitch Albom?

It's an excellent story and shows you how people's lives are entertwined.

It's all very interesting.
jenny said…
What sweet words for someone to hear.
Sometimes it's where you least expect it, isn't it?

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