Digital Camera Debate
I've been putting off my move to the digital camera realm mainly because I don't want to spend the money, but I only have two months left until the Big Family Cruise and I swore I would purchase a new camera before the trip (since mine is nearly dead). I've been reading over reviews and paying attention to people who seem to take great photos, but before I actually make the big purchase I thought I'd just ask if anyone has recommendations. Keep in mind, I'm NOT looking for a simple, automatic, point and shoot. I want a digital SLR with exchangeable lenses. If you have any advice or recommendations, I'd love to hear from you!!
I ordered it from and the shipping was free and FAST.
The price was super reasonable and I'm not much of a lens switcher so it's a perfect SLR experience here, sorry...friends I know have the digital rebel and Nikon D20 and they both love them. Way more camera than I need or can afford.
happy shopping!
Long time reader here. Canon just came out with a new model, XTi. It is a 10 megapixel.
Here is a review of it